Python Sets: Handy for Network Data

My Python-related posts seem to get the most reads, so here's another one!

A problem that comes up fairly often in networking is finding the number of occurrences of unique items in a large collection of data: let's say you want to find all of the unique IP addresses that accessed a website, traversed a firewall, got denied by an ACL, or whatever. Maybe you've extracted the following list from a log file:

and you need to reduce this to:

In other words, we're removing the duplicates. In low-level programming languages, removing duplicates is a bit of a pain: generally you need to implement an efficient way to sort an array of items, then traverse the sorted array to check for adjacent duplicates and remove them. In a language that has dictionaries (also known as hash tables or associative arrays), you can do it by adding each item as a key in your dictionary with an empty value, then extract the keys. In Python:

>>> items = ['','','','','','','','']
>>> d = {}
>>> for item in items:
...     d[item] = None
>>> d
{'': None, '': None, '': None, '': None}
>>> unique = d.keys()
>>> unique
['', '', '', '']

or, more concisely using a dictionary comprehension:

>>> {item:None for item in items}.keys()
['', '', '', '']

Python has an even better way, however: the "set" type, which emulates the mathematical idea of a set as a collection of distinct items. If you create an empty set and add items to it, duplicates will automatically be thrown away:

>>> s = set()
>>> s.add('')
>>> s
>>> s.add('')
>>> s.add('')
>>> s
set(['', ''])
>>> for item in items:
...     s.add(item)
>>> s
set(['', '', '', ''])

Predictably, you can use set comprehensions just like list comprehensions to do the same thing as a one liner:

>>> {item for item in items}
set(['', '', '', ''])

Or, if you have a list built already you can just convert it to a set:

>>> set(items)
set(['', '', '', ''])

Python also provides methods for the most common types of set operations: union, intersection, difference and symmetric difference. Because these methods accept lists or other iterables, you can quickly find similarities between collections of items:

>>> items
['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
>>> more_items = ['','','','','']
>>> set(items).intersection(more_items)
set(['', ''])

>>> set(items).difference(more_items)
set(['', ''])

Have fun!

Published: June 20 2014

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